Time For A Upgrade

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Fish Fanatic
Aug 17, 2006
Reaction score
sheffield UK
Hi all

A newbie to the forum but kept fish for quite a few years now!

Anyway, im currently running a juwel rekord 96(approx 30gal).
Im wanting to upgrade the filtration and either add to the internal filter thats running, or, take the internal one out and free up some space? (if this can be done?)

I have seen the fluval 205 external filter and wondered if anyone could shed some light for me?
Is it any good? is it loud etc etc

cheers folks

External filters are great, if you buy one, run with your current internal one still in there for the next 6 weeks to give the external a chance to build up some good bacteria. :good: The Fluvals have chemical, biological and mechanical all built into one, I used to have a 304 on my malawi cichlid tank and it worked wonders for the messy critters!!! Have just added a 305 (newer model) onto my community yesterday. Mine is a 130litre tank and the 305 is suitable up to 300litre tanks and circulates 1000l per hour. Always get one up from the size you need, as it'll store more bacteria and circulate your tank water several times per hour. Depending on what the 205 circulates, that should be fine, or upgrade to the 305, it wont do any harm!!!

After the external filter has matured you can remove the internal if you wish, but remember, the more filtration you have, the better!
Sounds good, the 205 iv seen says it does 680LPH and is good for aquariums upto 200litres, so should be ok for my 96litres im guessing.

Cant find the dimensions for the unit though, searched everywhere.
Hopefully it will fit in the cabinet under the tank?

Are they at all quiet filters? how much can you hear them when running??
I've no experience with other makes such as Rena and Eheim - was going to buy a Rena XP3 but apaprantly they have stopped production on them for a few months?!! :blink: Anyway, they are very quiet yes, and quite easy to install - comes with a handy DVD!

It will easily fit in the Juwel cab - I fitted my 305 inside my Fluval 800 cab which is TINY, the juwels are much bigger as we used to have a Rekord 96. I guess the 205 will be about 25 cms high by 15 deep? not very big, but excellent things. I would never just rely on the internal ones again! :good:

By the way - 205 sounds perfect for your sized aquarium, I'd go for that!
Right then, say no more, a fluval 205 it is.

Looking forwards to having to delve into the depths when its time for filter cleans!! just stop the flow and take the filter apart, clean it, put it back together and press the on switch! perfect!

cheers for your reassurances

Filtration "rule of thumb".
Canister filter should have 5x's tank volume flow rate. HOB filter should have 10x's tank volume flow rate. Over filtration is way better than under.

do you think it would be of benefit for me to consider getting the 305 as opposed to the 205 i was looking at, for the extra £10 or so?

It wold then give me more filtration and maybe be more future proof, should i wish to increase my tank size at a later date?

Can i have TOO MUCH filtration?? causing to much disturbance/current etc in the tank?



do you think it would be of benefit for me to consider getting the 305 as opposed to the 205 i was looking at, for the extra £10 or so?

It wold then give me more filtration and maybe be more future proof, should i wish to increase my tank size at a later date?

Can i have TOO MUCH filtration?? causing to much disturbance/current etc in the tank?



Hi Lee, you can never over filter, you can easily underfilter though!!!! If there is a small price difference I'd defo get the 305 - it has more chambers than the 205, meaning you get more media in it. So not only will it circulate your tank water more times than the 205, itl'l also hold more beneficial bacteria. My 305 was 65 quid i bought the other day - bargain :nod:
I might as well pay the extra £10 then i think.

The one iv seen is also around £65, cant go wrong for that!
Im getting into keeping discus, will keep a small shoal of 5-6 young discus in my current tank.
Then hoping to increase tank size in a year or so when funds permit.

So quite excited by the prospect at the minute!!

Lee I really hate to sound boring but I don't think the Rekord 96 is large enough for discus...... they really need something about 50gals, you are right to keep em in a shoal of about 6 :good: but they will grow relatively quickly and a tank which is only about (I'm guessing) 14 "tall won't be enough as they can be 8-10". I know you said you are upgrading in a year, but I fear they may outgrow this quickly!!! :crazy: maybe I'm talking rubbish - you might want to ask in the cichlid forum what people think, but I think its too small. Sorry!!! :no:

Glad you found the 305 for same price as me! B)
they're all valid points and i will consider what you say, cheers... :good:

Probably be best sorting a bigger tank out fiirst then i reckon.

Unless i go with a different project for now? any ideas?

Probably be best sorting a bigger tank out fiirst then i reckon.

If you want discus, I agree, this is the sensible thing to do.

Unless i go with a different project for now? any ideas?

If you have your heart set on discus then go for it, it all depends on your experience, what other tanks have you kept? Discus are more difficult than other tropicals, and I would always advise against keeping a community tank with discus, they are more of a species only fish, due to their very specific water requirements and large size.

If you want to wait and in the meantime set up your Rekord with tropicals, how about a nice planted small shoaling fish tank? Simple, but very pretty under the right lights. Neons are not tolerant of nitrites though, so I'd advise against putting them in as the first fish. Something like leopard or zebra danios in a shoal of 5 or 6 first, then you could add maybe some rasboras, glow light tetras then the neons last. I have black and standard neons and have to say I've come to lvoe the black ones, i bought more mature ones that are pretty much their full size - they will reach their full size more commonly than blue neons and are also not as susceptible to new tank syndrome (due to the fact blue neons have been mass bred)
PLANTS!! i love having real plants, but iv tried and tried and cannot get them to live! iv fed, bought flora bulbs, kept to strict light schedules etc etc, always seem to die at the base and float upto the top! or just totally die!

Iv kept fish for about 4 years or so, community tanks.

Iv bred kribs and kept danios, tetras, gouramis(turned out to be bullies) angels, sailfin mollies etc.

Really wish i could keep plants alive though!!
Hmm......I must admit I am new to having a planted tank as well, I haven't got anythign like a CO2 system so I expect they won't last too long :-( I have a silver sand substrate and have just planted them in that, no soil or anything, they have lasted a month so far!!! I have two fluo bulbs, one Day glo and one Sun Glo which are on for 9 hours a day so they get a lot of light.

I agree - have always found gouramis to be the bullies and troublemakers and now avoid them like the plague!!! Not sure what else to suggest then if you don't want to keep those sorts of tropicals, other than save up and read up a lot on discus keeping and hopefully you will be able to get your larger tank soon! :good:

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