The big thing with australe is water hardness. If it were that easy though - I was able to breed my last group, which was attempt number 5. There are times you just have to be stubborn and dig in. Every fish is a puzzle you have to figure out.
People who don't breed fish look at killies and think they're pretty, but dull. They are shy fish that always act a little hunted. But as soon as you really like them, think about how hard it is to get them, and decide to breed them so you can get beyond the 2-3 year lifespan, everything changes. They are a doorway into complexity. australe is one of the few I came close to giving up on. They drove me crazy.
Even at that, I only made three generations. I took a side trip on my Gabon visit and tried for australe in the wild, but it was too late in the dry season and the water not deep in the jungle was either dry or polluted. Our timing was off.
Don't give up.