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Fish Fanatic
Jan 21, 2012
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Alberta, Canda
Tiger Barbs in a 30 gallon Tank. is it usual, my tiger barbs have gotten pretty brave, anytime my hand goes in the tank for what ever reason, it seems they either come up to investigate or they try to nibble or whatever they are doing they use to be scared anytime anything went into the water but now they just swim up and hang out, Normal or are mine just crazy?
Yeah, they've just got used to you and know you're not going to hurt them. Mine nip my arms when I'm water changing sometimes; it doesn't hurt exactly, but it's not nice!

Perfectly normal, especially for tigers!
When you first get fish try not to stick your hands in the tank often. I found out that it really stresses them out and sometimes it causes them so much stress that they die
Tiger Barbs in a 30 gallon Tank. is it usual, my tiger barbs have gotten pretty brave, anytime my hand goes in the tank for what ever reason, it seems they either come up to investigate or they try to nibble or whatever they are doing they use to be scared anytime anything went into the water but now they just swim up and hang out, Normal or are mine just crazy?
They are normal. Mine all come to the front of the tank if they see me coming, and up to the surface when I open the hood. They beg for food just like my lab.
When I am filliyng my test tubes they think they are getting fed and nibble and flurry around my hand like a school of Piranha!
My 4 year old sometimes just puts the tip of his finger in the tank to get his "fish kisses", and then runs away giggling.
Quite normal behavior for Tiger Barbs. They are definitely gluttons, and learn really quickly where their food is coming from!
Lol my barbs are the same. I have 17 of them and they all come and nibble my arm when I put it in the tank for whatever reason. I like it though as it tickles lol.
Yes, I call mine the little school of pirhanas! I think they're hilarious.
Enjoy the little nibbles or tiger barbs lol. It could be worse! My oscars nibble...although its not as cute and darn sure doesn't tickle
You not managed to rehome the Oscars yet? Did you decide what JD's you had? I could not see the other thread again when I looked for it to see if you had answered lol.
You not managed to rehome the Oscars yet? Did you decide what JD's you had? I could not see the other thread again when I looked for it to see if you had answered lol.
I'm not sure what kind of JDs they are but here is the male. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2829311525592&set=a.2148641989279.121087.1043194832&type=3&theater

I am not rehoming the Oscars until the HITH is cured.

(sorry, that is the last i will post on the oscars lol, not tryign to hijack)
Its a standard JD - Looks nice though :good:

(See I didnt even mention the oscars lol)
i have had my 80liter tank for a month now i have 3 tiger barbs, 2 albino barbs and 2 ruby barbs. i keep getting diferent opinions on what other fish i can have with them, can any of you guys help me out?

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