

Fish Fanatic
Oct 13, 2003
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My Tiger Barbs are sick but I don't know what they have :( There pale, bloated, and seem to have a problem keeping balance by doing a sort of nose dive then they kind of float for a sec before straighting them selves back up. CAN ANY ONE HELP ME :eek: . None have died YET.

I have 6 Tigerberbs
4 Albino Tiger barbs
and a catfish
Check those water levels..................ASAP. Sounds like they may be doing "Headstands" which is caused by nitrate poisoning.
:huh: What's swim bladder infection? Setup for a year. had water checked sunday they said it was good. Water Level?? :huh:
When did you last do a water change? If you haven't done one in the last week then I suggest you immediately change 30% and see if this helps - if so it's likely to be poor water conditions that are to blame.

Has anything else changed in your tank recently? Any new fish been added to the tank, or anything happened that could affect your bacteria levels, like the temperature changing suddenly, or a powercut to cause your filter to stop working temporarily?
The water was changed about three weeks ago. I did buy 4 new fish, the albino tiger barbs. They were the fist to get sick.

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