Tigers with Angels


Fish Herder
Apr 20, 2004
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I'm cosidering a school of maybe 10-12 tiger barbs in the tank I'm setting up. I'm considering 1-2 angelfish as my centerpiece. in that sort of a school do I need to worry about fin nipping or will they behave in the larger school. Or should I just not worry about it and switch to cherry barbs instead?
I would not put tiger's and angels as the tiger's would nip the fins of the angels to shred....Tiger barbs are notoriuous fin nippers.....
G_Sharky said:
I would not put tiger's and angels as the tiger's would nip the fins of the angels to shred....Tiger barbs are notoriuous fin nippers.....
From reading this forum I was under the impression that if in a decent sized school they'd fight amongst themselves.
yeah i was under the impression they would fight amongst themselves but also i w0ould think that the angels would be like to slow, big, and a pretty easy target. they may just fight against themselves or they just might team up against the angels.. you could try another type of barb?
No no noo no nooooooo!!!

Sorry, got a bit carried away there. But no, please do not put angels in with tiger barbs, angels are slow moving by nature and like similarly calm fish with them, even tetras are more mannered than barbs. The angels will be beaten up on, harassed and chewed on, and wont appreciate such little rodents zipping in and out of their territory.


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