Tigerbarbs Wow!


Fish Addict
Aug 31, 2007
Reaction score
Scotland, East lothian, Edinburgh
Went and got 10 tiger barbs for my new cycled tank.

Didnt realise how sociable they are, they only small, but every time i go near tank they dash over to front. Put my hand in a few times to fix plants and they all started nibbling at my hands was really tickly. i got them some frozen brineshrimp from freezer and they all took it from my hand. I thought they would have been in hiding mode as just put them in tank today.
thats cool! recently i was given some tiger barbs from my friend. i agree that they are awesome. i love them so much im going to get like 10 more!
our tigers are always the first to come to the front when they think theres a chance of some grub!!! i love watching them have their little dominance fights where they go nose to nose & spin round its brilliant! great fish ( in the right community tank :) )
I think they're great fish. Alot of people go on and on about how they're aggresive and what not but I only have a few of them and they never fight and I dont have a single fish in my aquarium that has torn fins or anything of the sort. Maybe I just got lucky? The tank is far from over populated and I have it filled with live plants and moss, tunnels and stuff like that so maybe they're just too busy to pick at each other :D

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