Fish Addict
Went and got 10 tiger barbs for my new cycled tank.
Didnt realise how sociable they are, they only small, but every time i go near tank they dash over to front. Put my hand in a few times to fix plants and they all started nibbling at my hands was really tickly. i got them some frozen brineshrimp from freezer and they all took it from my hand. I thought they would have been in hiding mode as just put them in tank today.
Didnt realise how sociable they are, they only small, but every time i go near tank they dash over to front. Put my hand in a few times to fix plants and they all started nibbling at my hands was really tickly. i got them some frozen brineshrimp from freezer and they all took it from my hand. I thought they would have been in hiding mode as just put them in tank today.