

New Member
Jul 6, 2005
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i was wondering if it would be a good idea to put a couple ghost shrimp in with a school of 8 tiger barbs? an if not a ghost shrimp would any shrimp work. i dont really wanna put in any suckerfish or anything.
I've never personally kept ghost shirmp so don't quote me but i don't think you would have too much of a problem with it...your tigers will probably just stick to themselves and leave the shrimp alone, mine wouldn't give anything the time of day except to play amongst themselves. Although maybe someone who has done it will see this post and give you a definate yes or no...


p.s- Welcome to the forum!!!! maybe you can show us some pictures of your tank! We like pictures :D
big NO...you might get lucky, but the tiger barbs will nip them to death even if they cannot fit them in their mouth....if you don't mind a couple dead ghost shrimp, though, give it a try because you may luck out...chances are they will be harrassed at some point in time though. hope that helps and welcome..

EDIT: oh yea, and i used to have a school of 6 TB's - although they did nip each other most of the time whenever the shrimp caught their eyes, that was their target..
abstract said:
big NO...you might get lucky, but the tiger barbs will nip them to death even if they cannot fit them in their mouth....if you don't mind a couple dead ghost shrimp, though, give it a try because you may luck out...chances are they will be harrassed at some point in time though. hope that helps and welcome..

EDIT: oh yea, and i used to have a school of 6 TB's - although they did nip each other most of the time whenever the shrimp caught their eyes, that was their target..
see there ya go...someone with experience :D
dont know about ghost shrimp but we've had 5 amano shrimp (about 1 inch big) in with 6 tiger barbs for about 3 years & the tigers never bother them at all (our tigers have never harrassed any of their tankmates though - so maybe we've been lucky!) :D
I had 13 ghost shrimp in with my livebearer 55 gallon along with apple snails and trumpet snails. When I decided to change to egglayers I switched the livebearers for a school of 14 tiger barbs and 6 cories. EVERYTHING in the tank besides the tiger barbs was absolutely miserable, and every ghost shrimp disappeared in a matter of days. They ate everyone of them and two of my apple snails were killed and eaten. Even the cory catfish were harassed and picked at.
I've had a pearl gourami, a platy and tiger barbs eat ghost shrimp.

Simple rule with tiger barbs, if it can be considered food it will be food.
wow, am i ever so glad i read this. i just got ghost shrimp today, and gave away my tiger barb!
When I had my Tigers, I gave them ghost shrimp about once every month as live food. I had 8 barbs and I would usaully drop in 4 or 5 shrimp. After the first night they would be gone. Occasionally they would find the one hiding place the barbs couldn't get to but even then, they would still come out at night and ... Kept my barbs happy though.
This is kinda off topic but I just wanted to say....be careful feeding your fish too many ghost shrimp. Years ago when I had first put ghost shrimp in with my goldfish (I thought they would make nice tank mates), my goldfish went right after them. It was goldfish heaven on earth for a couple days as they found every last one and devoured them......but.....one of my goldfish died a couple days after this. He happened to be the greediest eater and he was so healthy otherwise...I know it had something to do with the shrimp. Maybe the exoskeletons couldn't digest in his stomach fast enough and he got stopped up? Who knows.

There were 4 goldfish and 24 shrimp though. I'd still be careful though.

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