Tiger Shovelnose Catfish


New Member
Dec 27, 2006
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I have had a Tiger Shovelnose Catfish for about 7 months now.
I got it at about 10cm long, it is now 20cm long.
It shares a 1x3x2' tank with 1 algae eater, 1 arowana, 2 oscars, 2 tinfoils, 2 silver dollars.
Over the last month or two the catfish has lost all it colour, it is now totally white.
Does anyone have any idea why this might be please?
You have all those tankbusters in a small tank?????

It is that colour because it is stressed out, big cats like that get stressed when their barbels touch both sides of the tank at the same time, its a claustrophobic reaction.

I normally never comment too much on peoples stock, but please think carefully about an upgrade to your tank

The arowana and the TSN will both get longer than your tank is now and the tinfoils and the oscars are big fish.

What filtration do you have on your tank please?

You have all those tankbusters in a small tank?????

It is that colour because it is stressed out, big cats like that get stressed when their barbels touch both sides of the tank at the same time, its a claustrophobic reaction.

I normally never comment too much on peoples stock, but please think carefully about an upgrade to your tank

The arowana and the TSN will both get longer than your tank is now and the tinfoils and the oscars are big fish.

What filtration do you have on your tank please?


tank is 300mm x 900mm x 450mm
the catfish is not that big.
are they blind? mine seems to see nothing
the oscars are 5" and the tinfoils just 2"
filtration is a cascade700 external
i do regular water changes.

would an algae infestation have much to do with anything?
Troll? If not, might as well be.

Don't feed the troll :)
Algae eater (i will assume sailfin plec):18", Arowana:30", Oscars and Tinfoils:12", Silver dollars:5-6", Tiger shovelnose: 30".
With all of that in there you need a 10'x3'x3' tank to keep them all together or they will suffer. Your tank is barely big enough for the Silver Dollars, let alone a TSC. Take the fish in a part exchange with your local fish shop where hopefully someone will buy them and give them a huge tank to live in, this leaves you time to get some fish more suited to you tank.
The algae infectation is because of overcrouding and poor water quality and excess nutrients in the water
Sorry to be blunt, but none else had given you the hard facts.
Algae eater (i will assume sailfin plec):18", Arowana:30", Oscars and Tinfoils:12", Silver dollars:5-6", Tiger shovelnose: 30".
With all of that in there you need a 10'x3'x3' tank to keep them all together or they will suffer. Your tank is barely big enough for the Silver Dollars, let alone a TSC. Take the fish in a part exchange with your local fish shop where hopefully someone will buy them and give them a huge tank to live in, this leaves you time to get some fish more suited to you tank.
The algae infectation is because of overcrouding and poor water quality and excess nutrients in the water
Sorry to be blunt, but none else had given you the hard facts.

He'd be better off just making a large indoor tropical pond for them lol. Those are some big tank busting fish- a 10'x3'x3' would cost a lot of money and would most likely have to be custom made- he would probably need to reinforce the bottom floor of his house to keep a tank that size on it.
Tiger shovels can, and do, grow to 3 feet and beyond. I doubt a 10x3 would house one indefinately. But as feesh pointed out, rex smells a troll, don't you boy?
thats pretty cruel man. it would be like keeping you in a 6' square room literally.

all the problems you are seeing are the result of the tank being WAY WAY too small. you don't have enough room to keep one of those guys let alone all. (the aro, tsn and oscars).

i raise tsns for the local LFS and aquarium in a 24x24x48. i raise one at a time and when they get to 10-12", they go to the 300G at the LFS for sale and i start again with a new juve.

the colour change is from poor water quality, stress and a non varied diet. is the plec doing the same thing? losing colour or getting blotchy? if so, the tank is allready in a bad place, its only going to get worse and the fish will die.

get them out of there immediatly. im not trying to be a d*ck, but what youve got going there is cruelty to animals.

hope you do something about that.


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