Tiger Rasboras


Fish Herder
Jul 22, 2004
Reaction score
Grantham, UK
I bought 6 of what were described as tiger rasboras today. However, I can't find them in Baensch's aqaurium atlas or fishprofiles.com. The only thing in Google is a product listing for a Thai fish breeder. Does anyone know anything about their habits and likes? I was told that they were a peaceful schooling fish perfectly okay in a community tank by the lfs, but I'd like as much info as possible.

Thanks guys!

there is nothing on fishbase either.
can you get a pic?
Okay, okay, I'm at work now till 7am, so you'll have to rein in your impatience!! B) I'll take some pics and post them as soon as I get home (unless of course the neons have eaten the tigers!!!). I hope no one's eaten anyone else actually, would make me very sad.... Although the molly that's been beating up my dwarf cichlids is gonna end up either on the barbie or in a cat soon, she's like a piranha without teeth :angry:

PS - Paul, love your avatar!!!!
Ok, here're the pics. Bearing in mind the 'tiger rasboras' move like greased lightening and there are 9 gold barbs in the tank going 'take my picture...No mine....No, I'm over here, take me.....' and getting right in front of the lens every time i tried to take a shot.




they're about 3 to 4 inches long, slender, mostly translucent with silver internal organs, and gold and black stripes in a band down their bodies. They do shoal, and they're damn fast, and most of my neons seem to still be in one piece! They seem to like the top portion of the tank. The lfs guy said they were algae eaters, but is the mouth shaped right? Any ideas on what they are would really help.

Thanks people! :thumbs:
I think it is this one; Inlecypris auropurpureus (Kultarasbora Finish name)
click Here for more details.

EDIT I found an english name Inle Lake Rasbora.
EDIT2 see here for more info

Ok I'll stop now :)
my lfs has some fish that look very like those, labelled "torpedo rasboras"... -_-

(edited for better comprehensibility)
Thank you! You're a star! :hooray:

Yeah, it's weird Cluttery, isn't it, how those good old lfs's come up with names?

I'm glad they're okay as community fish, they're so much bigger than anything else I have in there I was getting a wee bit worried in case they were some new kind of piranha.... :D :p


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