Tiger Pleco


Fish Herder
Aug 17, 2006
Reaction score
I am interested in this fish. Can it be kept alone? Anything else I should before buying? Is it a pretty hardy fish?
I am interested in this fish. Can it be kept alone? Anything else I should before buying? Is it a pretty hardy fish?

it can be kept alone

and im assuming ur meaning the L066 ?

what size tank is it going into?

its not as hardy as bn's, bit isnt sensitive either
tiger pleco L02

will be fine kept alone needs wood as part of its diet and pretty hardy imo :)
I have some bogwood in my tank, as well as a few plants. Is it destructive to plants?
Did your tank have alot of plants in it otherwise?
Plec's in general like seem to like eating algae off of things, so plants with leaves like amazon sword leaves (broard and long) tend to get nibbled/damage in the process.

I dont think they mean to nibble but they just cant help it.
Amazon Swords are cheap so it's not like their gobbling up a goldmine.

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