Tiger Oscar gender


New Member
Apr 13, 2004
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need help determing gender of my 3 small Tiger Oscars.

I have noticed that 2 Oscars have white spots on its fins and body. Does this help determine sex of fish? The 3rd oscar doesnt have these spots on its fin or body.

Any suggestions would help as i know i shouldnt have 3 in there as they will grow larger and will pick out one to terrorise. I was hoping if I can determine the sex it will help me decide which one to take back to pet store.

Also those spiky sucker ifsh are they good companions for the Oscars?

Sorry new to site. tank is just over normal 4 foot dimensions. And im actually in Sydney AUS
Also i dont think its fungy. Tank has been setup now for just over 4mths. Plus the fish are just little ones and are getting larger and loosing some of baby bright colors. im 99% sure its not fungus
Thanxx. Do u know how to tell the sex?
The differences are subtle, and the younger they are the more difficult it is to sex them. Males tend to grow slightly more elaborate finnage, and there could be slight body shape differences.

Basically the best thing to do at this point is leave them in and see if a pair forms. Then you will know which one to take back. Keep an eye on the tank and be prepared to remove any fish if aggression gets out of hand, if a pair does form the third will be taking a lot of abuse.
If you look at their anal fin the male should be more of circle at the end of it and the female has a more defined point to it. Also when they get bigger if you look at their tail fin the male should have a solid black throughout the tail and the female's tail fin will be more of brown to black in color.

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