Tiger Knifefish


Fish Addict
Feb 9, 2009
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Hi All,

I was at my lfs yesterday. And they had something new in called a Tiger Knifefish.
Can't find much about them on the net.

They seemed very shy. Hiding under a rock in the tank.
And quite cheap - £10 each.

Has anyone heard of them?
And know what their requirements are? (chap at lfs was clueless).
Neale perhaps?

Pretty much the same requirements as most other knife fish (not 100% on this as I have never kept a tiger, but this is what I have heard)


Look at the bottom post on page 1 of that thread, shows a nice bit of info about them.

All in all, beautiful fish.
The whole thing about them being shy isn't really surprising, most knife fish are nocturnal and/or prefer very dark habitats as they use electric sensory gadgets to guide themselves around - no need for sight, no need for light!

Is this Gymnotus tigre?

Basic care much like any other Gymnotus species. They get to about 40 cm, they are very territorial, and they are extremely predatory. They have an electric sense so shouldn't be kept with other electric fish. They'd need to be kept singly in all likelihood anyway because they do tend to be a bit pushy, but they have been kept with midwater fish of suitable size such as severums, Distichodus, etc.

Water chemistry doesn't matter too much, but avoid hard, alkaline water. Water quality should be excellent though, with lots of turnover and oxygen. They are air-breathers, so there needs to be space at the top of the tank. Avoid bright light; use floating plants or subdued lighting. They are nocturnal and will need a decent-sized cave. Feeding may be problematic initially as they do prefer live foods like earthworms and river shrimps, but once settled will take lancefish and tilapia strips.

Cheers, Neale
Is this Gymnotus tigre?

Basic care much like any other Gymnotus species. They get to about 40 cm, they are very territorial, and they are extremely predatory. They have an electric sense so shouldn't be kept with other electric fish. They'd need to be kept singly in all likelihood anyway because they do tend to be a bit pushy, but they have been kept with midwater fish of suitable size such as severums, Distichodus, etc.

Water chemistry doesn't matter too much, but avoid hard, alkaline water. Water quality should be excellent though, with lots of turnover and oxygen. They are air-breathers, so there needs to be space at the top of the tank. Avoid bright light; use floating plants or subdued lighting. They are nocturnal and will need a decent-sized cave. Feeding may be problematic initially as they do prefer live foods like earthworms and river shrimps, but once settled will take lancefish and tilapia strips.

Cheers, Neale


No latin name given on the label.
But I have also asked on a specialist forum and the general feeling is that they are not Tigers at that price!

They seem very secrative though.
In the other tanks, the Black Ghosts and Africans were zipping about, but these were just hiding under a rock.

Do also look at the so-called "tiger clown knifefish" which is a species of Chitala similar to the usual Chitala chitala. These are all far too big for most home aquaria, though apart from their size, predatory behaviour, and the extreme aggression of mature males, Chitala spp. aren't especially difficult to keep.

Steatogenys elegans and I suppose Papyrocranus might also be sold as "tigers" from time to time. Steatogenys elegans is simply a scaled-up glass knifefish and needs the same clear, highly oxygenated water as other glass knives. Papyrocranus spp. are rarely maintained and seem to be somewhat less easy-going that their close relative Xenomystus nigri but otherwise similar.

Cheers, Neale

No latin name given on the label.
But I have also asked on a specialist forum and the general feeling is that they are not Tigers at that price!
I went back to the lfs this morning and had a good look at these knives.

They seem to me to be something I have seen called a Chameleon Knife.
any pics I love knives

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