Tiger Barbs


New Member
Jul 12, 2005
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Sheffield, South Yorkshire, UK

I'm considering getting some tiger barbs but have heard that they have a tendancy to nip the fins of other tankmates if kept in groups of less than 6 or so? Is this right? Also, would they live happily with a few corydoras in the tank - or would they constantly bully them?


Yes, tiger barbs get nippy if they're kept in too small groups. Six is the minimum, but more is better.

I have heard that tiger barbs sometimes nip cories' dorsal fins and stress them out. I think this depends on the amount of hideouts, tank size and the number of tiger barbs. The more tiger barbs and hideouts, and the bigger the tank is, the less chance there is of trouble. I wouldn't try that combination in less than 40 gal myself.
Yeah, thats prettymuch what i'm thinking to be honest - as i've only got a small tank and really want to give the Corys a happy home, not being contantly hassled by barbs! Shame, as I've always liked the idea of keeping some tiger barbs. Hey ho...I think i'll switch to Plan B and look at a few different types of tetras then....



I use to have about 13 Tigers barbs and I found them to be very nippy. Now I only have 6 and it seems to have eased their aggression towards my other fish. They mostly pester each other now. Fun fish to watch.
Too many in a small tank is just as problematic as too few. Depending on the size of your tank, you could keep as few as three; perhaps plan room for a couple more if you need to, but don't feel you have to have more than six, if you don't have the space. (If you do have the space, that's a good number.) I've always had tiger barbs, and only had problems with the tiny tetras, in the beginning. I have black phantom tetras in my current tank, and the tiger barbs have never looked their way. Just don't put anything slow-moving and swishy-tailed with them.
My experience with tiger barbs is that they WILL bother cory catfish to no end. I had to move mine (the cories). My tigers are now with more suitable tankmates that can hold their own with them. Odessa and checkered barbs.
I have 10 tiger barbs living with 6 cories in a 75G tank. The barbs have never made an attempt to touch the cories, but they bully my dojos to no end.
I have quite a few.

Definitely keep them in groups of 8 to 12, then add more if you need them. I would also be prepared for the occasional pest out of the group, it's all a matter of luck. I've had the occasional rogue tiger barb that just attack anything. Make sure you can return them to the LFS if necessary.
CatLover said:
I have 10 tiger barbs living with 6 cories in a 75G tank. The barbs have never made an attempt to touch the cories, but they bully my dojos to no end.
I had the opposite experience. I had 13 tiger barbs in with 4 clown loaches once and they never touched them, they even schooled together sometimes....but when I had 14 in with 6 cories.....the cories were constantly in hiding places to get away from the relentless harassing/picking by the tiger barbs. They were absolutely miserable, along with my apple snails, trumpet snails, and shrimp. In fact I had no more shrimp and 2 of the apple snails (out of 6) kicked the bucket and were eaten out of their shells.

These are beautiful little fish but unless you want them to be the only thing in the tank or put them with some african cichlid (which they won't dare think to contend with), they aren't worth the heartache IMO.

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