tiger barbs


Fish Fanatic
Aug 31, 2004
Reaction score
leicestershire england
3 of my tiger barbs have large swollen bellies they have been like this for weeks there are another 2 that are normal i presume they are males if they are full of eggs why are they not breeding :thumbs:
Hi northpaul..
Tiger barbs will usually display large bellies when over feeding occurs. Do you feed them everyday? Fish are cold blooded and only require feeding every other day or so. In fact most experienced fish keepers will only feed there fish 3-4 times a week. Also a varied diet will help keep them in prime condition. In the link below it describes breeding habits for tiger barbs. I'd suggest starving them for a few days and seeing if that brings them back into shape. A wise member of this forum once said.."a hungry fish is a healthy fish". If you have anymore questions feel free to ask.

Tiger Info
thanks digital run very useful link yes i do feed everyday either flake frozon bloodworm freeze dried tubiflex or sinking tablets they always seem hungery all the fish do

if i was overfeeding would they all not have swollen bellies
No ...Usually some will eat more than others and would probably be the ones that look swollen. I usually try and feed just enough so that they are still looking for food when done. Also frreeze dried foods will expand in water, same when it enters your fishes stomach. Put them on a diet for a day or two and they should be ok.:D
hi there,
have you tried feeding peas to your barbs ( v good for .....ahem constipated fish!- which could be your barbs problem) by peas i mean frozen garden ones, take a few out & zap them in a microwave for a couple of secs ( or pour boiling water over them just to soften) then pop the peas out of their little outer skin/shell, mush them up & chuck them in tiger barbs LOVE them & will help clear any 'blockages'. you could try this after fasting them for a day or 2.
good luck :D
a few of my barbs are the same way, big bellys, i feed like twice a day but im going to stop that and starve them for a few days. i was about to post this too.
all our fish love peas even our yoyo loaches & quite often see our shrimps rolling a piece of pea away to a quiet spot where they can tuck in undisturbed!!! :D :D

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