Tiger Barbs


New Member
Sep 12, 2004
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I have a shoal of 6 tiger barbs, but i've read that they should be in packs of at least 8. Also what other fish would you reccommend mixing with them? i know guppies and long finned fish are not suitable but what are?
Depends on the size of your tank, but you are right, they do better in 8 or more. 6 is a minimum IMO.
As for other tankmates, I've kept them with Plecs, Clown Loaches, Sajica Cichlids, Platties, and Tetras (neon and black neon), but as long as you avoind long finned, slow moving fish like you said, you should be OK. It is a nit of trial an error really, I've read some people saying that even in a group of 8 they attacked and killed anything that went in the tank, but mine never bothered any of the others, they were too busy playing with each other!!!
hi there,
have a look at my signature this is what we've had in our tank for over a year now with our 6 barbs( we had 6 but sadly lost one a few weeks ago )but we just got some newies today & now have 8 :D we've never seen our barbs harrass any of the other fish in our tank.ever. most folk recommend at least 6 like you have- theyre too busy creating mischief amongst themselves with that number & thats what we had as well up until recently with no probs & also no long fins as said- too tempting for naughty tigers to resist.
good luck we love our tigers :D :D
Thanx for your advice hopefully over the the next few weeks I'll be able to test it :D would you add another couple of tider barbs now to take the no to 8 or see how they are?
hi there
we just added 3 tiny barbs to our established pack of 5 and i was laughing last night watching the new tiddlers with their fins at full stretch trying to engage the old boys in a bit of a tussle and chasing the (rather outraged looking) old boys away...... im sure newies would do fine but its up to you probably seeing how they go is the best idea...you dont want to add too many fish to your tank in one go
good luck :D

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