Tiger Barbs


Fish Addict
Mar 30, 2004
Reaction score
Eastern Kentucky
I read that one of the members on here has a tank with just a bunch of tiger barbs in it. I cannot remember their name at the moment (I'm sorry!) :*)
I think that idea would be very kool though.
I was wondering what size tank would be good for a school of around... 13?
I have a tank with just tiger barbs. I love them. They are very curious little fishies. I actually have mine in a 10 gal. They are still pretty small, but they will need to be moved when they get a bit bigger. There are six of them all together. Be Warned though, i initally got 3 barbs and they beat up on each other so i got three more (total six) and they love it in there. They will probably need 15-20 gal tank or so and maybe even bigger. I belive i have actually caught them "playing" A FEW times.

They like alot of room to swim due to their fast movement.

Go for it though, like i said i love them. :rofl:
For a school of 13...id say at least 30 gal. They can get 3-3.5" ...Like fishilover said...they like LOTS of room to swim. A species tank would be nice...I'd have lik 9 Tigers ...a Piar of Green/Albino. If your going to do it some pics would be nice :D HIH
Thanks! That helps a lot.

I won't be doing this tank set up any time soon. I don't have room for another tank, nor the money. Someday though, probably years from now, I shall have my fabulous fish room, and in it shall dwell the tiger barbs :shifty:
I have my 8 tiger barbs in my 20 gallon with a rainbow shark and a flying fox and they are perfectly happy. That should be enough room for them.
I have 6 tiger barbs in a 20 with a school of cories and a school of zebras. They are all doing great although I might upgrade to a 30g when they are all full grown. I'll wait and see. If you didn't have other fish in with them you could probably fit 9 or 10 in a 20 gallon. Even the 13 you want, but that might to get to be too much when they are fully grown.
i have 5 tiger barb and 5 green tiger barb and 2 balck ruby barb and a black red tailed shark

getting more tiger barb and 2 imperail zebra plecs

tiger barb are wicked shoal nice together even tho they are green and striped so deffo getting more
Arent tiger barbs semi-aggressive and danios are community :/
Wont they kill each other? :X :/ :(
did you guys get all of your barbs at the same time?
right now i have a green barb and a tiger barb and would like to make a school, ive been told green barbs are less agressive so what if i got 4 more of them?
would the bigger tiger barb pick on everyone, as he already picks on my bigger green barb...

either that or i will put my green barb in another tank and get a school of tigers, bt the question is still standing, will a bunch of smaller tigers get along with the bigger one that i already have?
Danno said:
Arent tiger barbs semi-aggressive and danios are community :/
Wont they kill each other? :X :/ :(
Tiger barbs won't bother any other fishes if they're in a large school. I'd avoid any slow, longfinned fishes like bettas and angelfish. Despite the warnings, they get along fine with gouramis. I've kept 6 with a timid gold gourami for months with no problems.

Besides, if they do pick on your gourami, he'll show them who's boss. Even my little apisto bullys my tiger barbs when he wants their food :D .
myfriendpeter said:
did you guys get all of your barbs at the same time?
right now i have a green barb and a tiger barb and would like to make a school, ive been told green barbs are less agressive so what if i got 4 more of them?
would the bigger tiger barb pick on everyone, as he already picks on my bigger green barb...

either that or i will put my green barb in another tank and get a school of tigers, bt the question is still standing, will a bunch of smaller tigers get along with the bigger one that i already have?
The green barb is just a green tiger barb (if I read your post correctly) same species, just been bred to have a green colour. get yourself another 4 (at least, and preferably another 6) Tiger barbs of one sort or another. You'll find striped ones, Albino, and green Tigers in most LFS, they're ok to mix, and they'll school together quite happily. Just make sure you have the room. You'll find that once you have 8 barbs, the aggression will get spread out amongst them, and no single fish will get picked on!!
I have 8 in a 20g, and they love it!!

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