Tiger Barbs


New Member
Jun 13, 2004
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Elburn, IL
I re-set my tank several weeks ago, and have just added 4 tiger barbs. I've never kept them before, so I'm wondering why they are swimming upside down. I know I'm a big newbie, but I'm guessing this can't be good. They are in there by themselves-no other fish-and I've also noticed a slight loss in color. They just aren't as orange as the day I put them in. They've been in the tank for 5 days. Is that enough time to have developed an ammonia problem? I've done some research tonight-that's how I found this great forum-but haven't enough clarity to know what to do for these little guys.

ARGH! :crazy:
It's sounds a bit more like swim bladder disease to me than ammonia problems. How long has thi stank been running? Did you cycle it when you got it?
Swim bladder disease is commonly caused by fighting or damage done to this fish. Have you noticed anything happening before this happeded?
Guppylover said:
It's sounds a bit more like swim bladder disease to me than ammonia
What other symptoms would they be showing if it's swim bladder disease? And how have you solved this problem before? The one fish that seems "sicker" is the smallest one and was being chased about quite a bit :(

The tank is 10 gal and was running for about 4 weeks before I added fish. I do have an aquatic frog in there-he took up residence after about 2 weeks. But I made rookie mistakes and only tested once. Didn't actually cycle first.

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