Tiger Barbs


New Member
Jun 23, 2011
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These seem to be very striking fish but seem to be reading that they can be quite aggressive towards others.

I'd like to introduce some so any thoughts how they would get on with rosy tetras & zebra loaches?
I keep my tigers with zebra loach with no problems. I would have thought they'd be fine with rosy tetras, as long as you have a large enough shoal of tigers; it's slow moving, long finned fish, like angels and guppies that need to be avoided.
How big of a tank do you have?
How many tigers were you planning on getting?

From my own experience with them, the first you listed should be fine so long as your tank is large enough to house at least 6 tiger barbs.
How big of a tank do you have?
How many tigers were you planning on getting?

From my own experience with them, the first you listed should be fine so long as your tank is large enough to house at least 6 tiger barbs.

I've got a 160litre tank with 5 rosy's, 4 zebra loaches & 2 BN catfish which I think is still OK tank size wise with 6 tigers.
That should be fine really, just remember, they really are nasty little gits and will nip other fish purely for fun.
I have 15 tiger barbs, and they seems to be doing okay with my angelfishes and other danios...as danios could outswim barbs easy and i have lots of plants and driftwood hiding spaces to break the tention from one and other..and I notice sometimes small barb will try to nip fin bigger, and vice versa, but seetms like they are being playful..and havent had a single barb died withitin last 2 months or so..good luck with yours!
I have 15 tiger barbs, and they seems to be doing okay with my angelfishes and other danios...as danios could outswim barbs easy and i have lots of plants and driftwood hiding spaces to break the tention from one and other..and I notice sometimes small barb will try to nip fin bigger, and vice versa, but seetms like they are being playful..and havent had a single barb died withitin last 2 months or so..good luck with yours!

They can change when they mature more, just keep an eye on them and other fish. Its not uncommon for them to nip eachother, they are certainly not playing, they are fighting for dominance in the school.

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