Tiger Barbs


Jan 5, 2009
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UK Manchester
I have 4 small tiger barbs and 1 red fin shark when i turn my tank lights on they all hide in plants and under rocks and all look terrified at 1st i thought they was sick but when i turn my lights off they all come alive and are all happy swimming about in there shoal chasing each other then asoon as i turn my lights on again they all hide scared to death lol i dont no what to do as i need my tank lights on
are they new to the tank?
if the tank is in a busy area (ie lots of movement around it) then the fish will take time to adjust
Try turning your room lights on or opening your curtains 30minutes before you turn the tank lights on. Also if you have more than one light on the tank, then turn one on, wait an hour, then turn the other on.

At night before bed turn the room lights on, then turn the tank lights off. Wait 30minutes before turning the room lights off.

The fish are freaking out because they are going from a dark tank to a bright one and it is happening very quickly. It's like someone coming into your room during the night and shining a torch in your eyes. It isn't very pleasant for us and fish don't have eyelids so it is worse for them. You can also put some floating plants in the tank. This will reduce the amount of light getting thru to the fish as it will be filtered by the plants on the surface.

Poor water quality will also make fish nervous and panic all the time.
Try turning your room lights on or opening your curtains 30minutes before you turn the tank lights on. Also if you have more than one light on the tank, then turn one on, wait an hour, then turn the other on.

At night before bed turn the room lights on, then turn the tank lights off. Wait 30minutes before turning the room lights off.

The fish are freaking out because they are going from a dark tank to a bright one and it is happening very quickly. It's like someone coming into your room during the night and shining a torch in your eyes. It isn't very pleasant for us and fish don't have eyelids so it is worse for them. You can also put some floating plants in the tank. This will reduce the amount of light getting thru to the fish as it will be filtered by the plants on the surface.

Poor water quality will also make fish nervous and panic all the time.

I agree with colin, its like someone coming into your bedroom and turning the lights on. It hurst your eyes and you try to cover them.
These are new fish to the tank and the tank is cycling, albeit with bactinettes, you may need to check your water stats, as along with what the others have suggested, going from dark to light quickly, could be causing them some stress.
if you can buy yourself some moonlight bulbs. it gives off enough light in the tank and it also makes your fish stand out and because they are not to bright the fish dont get scared of the light

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