Tiger barbs

What Fish go Best with tiger barbs

  • Green tiger barbs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Guppies

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • neon tetras

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • peppered corys

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • betta

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • golden barbs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • cherry barbs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • cories

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
:crazy: Nothing.

Little buggers will rip the fins to shreds on any fish not too much bigger than they are. And keeping them in groups won't help either.

Mine have been taking it in bloody turns to harrass my poor little albino tiger barb. When one gets bored / tired another starts. He's currently isolated in the fry trap, while I have a shift around to sort him somewhere to recuperate properly.

I won't be having any more :grr:

That said, they will go well with anything that doesn't have fins.

My green barb and 3 albino barbs get along fine with my tigers. I don't even think the fish know they are different species as they school together all the time. I think next time i go to the lfs, i'm gonna pick up 1 more green barb just so i don't only have 1. My barbs are pretty aggressive. Every time i stick my hand in they start nipping my forearms. You know how hard it is to plant plants when i have 3 or 4 barbs tugging on the hairs on my forearms?

They are even bold enough to nip the fins of my breeding convicts. We all know how risky that is but they don't care they think it's a game.
I think other barbs.

Should keep tigers in a minimum of 6.

if you see my signiature, thats what i have and no probs at all.
You need at least 6 Tiger barbs together to spread their natural tendencies. One or two dominant fish will chase the others around. If you do not have enough subordinate fish, those that you have will be persecuted, sometimes to death.

The "green barb" in your poll is the "green" form of the ordinary tiger barb and thus the same species, and will shoal with normal tigers.

The real "green barb" is a totally different fish, sadly one not seen very often any more.
Hmm, the green tiger barbs i have seen look like botched up Tigers, not very attractive IMO.
>>> Hmm, the green tiger barbs i have seen look like botched up Tigers, not very attractive IMO.

In actual fact sanj, that is exactly what they are. A good Barbus tetrazona should not have any dark scales between the vertical stripes. Such scales would be classed as a fault on the show bench. Intense breeding for the trade throws up many substandard fish with these dark scales. People then start selectively breeding them, and then breeding those with the most dark scales together until darker and darker fish are produced.

I don't like them either, but whatever rocks your boat as they say. At least they are not hybrids, genetically modified or dyed/painted. Due to the small gene pool, they tend to be weaker then the wild types.
I don't really now what to say, corys are ok and other barbs too. I have 2 tiger, 2 green, 1 albino and 1 rosy and they are all fine together and I see them swim together often, especially in the morning. I have them in a tank with otos and corys as when they were in my main tank they harassed my black angel for no reason, even though they never had bothered my other angels before.

I wouldn't have them with anything long finned, so no to male guppies at least IMO.

I had 7 and they bullied the angel fish, so I think they may need a bigger group.

I like green tigers. They are very pretty and mine look leike velvety bottle green with bright orange on their fins. I really like them and do not think they look like "botched up tigers" at all.
we have quite a few varieties of fish with our tigers & none have ever been harassed by them & most of them have all been together for about 9-10 months. saying that we dont have any long fins floating about in there to tempt them :D

i agree with cheese specialist - our green barbs are gorgeous a lovely mossy green covering practically all their bodies with those cute bright bright orange fins :wub:
I dont have ANY problems with my 4 tiger barbs, they were up until today, harrassed so bad by my tiny dominant red tail shark (whom was peaceful up until 5 weeks ago)
Now i Got rid of my Red Tail shark, My tigers are out swimming around the tank, where as before THEY ALL hid behind my air stone pump :/
My tigers prefer to nip at eachother and show wonderful displays of determining who has the rank! :flex:
Anyone ever get any accidental breeding from their barbs??

I bought mine young but they are starting to get larger and i can determine the sexes now. I see a lot of headbutting amount males and sometimes the males display to the females. Just wondering if there is a chance they will ever drop eggs one night on their own?

I don't have a lot of fish in my tank and it's pretty well planted so if they did there is always a chance they might live

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