Tiger Barbs


New Member
Mar 11, 2006
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i have 6 tiger barbs in my juwel 190 i read some where maybe on here that if they point downwards in water you have a nitrite problem these fish have done this since day 1 i check water stats every week never had a issue at all ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 5 ph 7.8 any ideas ?
Mine do that when they are resting at night, and they are still here after 9 months. So i wouldnt think that this was a problem. I've also heard that rumour - but dont agree with it
Lol, i would trust your water test kit over a rumour :) good luck with the barbs!
iv never heard that rumour before mine do that all the time and are nearly a year old and are fine so i wouldnt worry about it
Mine also do that and 1 particular male goes a very dark sort of metalic green if that makes sense :crazy: and in the morning he is back to his normal colour i'll try and get a picture of him

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