Tiger Barbs


Fish Fanatic
Jan 27, 2007
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I am thinking of adding a shoal of Tiger barbs to my south-east Asian biotope tank.

But i was wondering if they would be compatable with my species already living there (you can see the list below) :look: Especially with tiger barbs reputation and with my Gouramis

I would appreciate your thoughts!
As long as you have room for at least 6 you will be fine ime.

With that amount they will shoal and any fighting will be kept within the group.

My gf keeps 4 tiger barbs with 3 angels and they has never been one instance of the barbs nipping the angels, but i wouldn't risk it with that small a group, at least 6 like i said 8 would be even better :)
Thanks for that :D

Well I have the room, so I will be definatly getting some soon!
Tiger Barbs are fantastic! I recently added 10 to my 55 gal tank, for a total of 18. I have 5 regular, 6 green, and 7 white along with 8 Serpaes, a Red Tail Shark and 10 Kuhli Loaches. At feeding time, the whole tank just goes nuts! If I stick my fingers in the tank, the Tiger Barbs nip at my fingers!
:D Sounds like a great tank and just like mine at feeding times!! Everything going crazy

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