Tiger Barbs

Just to let you know of my experience. I've always had tbs, great fish.

I added 10 neons, admittedly they where kinda on the small side, but they last all off about 10 mins before they were all gobbled up by the barbs! SO unless your neons are large I'd be warey.

On the upside though my corys where never bothered by the barbs. I'd go cories and barbs as both great shoaling fish with loads of personality.

Have alook at Black Ruby barbs. Similar shape with strips but more peaceful and look really impressive when their red belly and head comes out.

I too would be wary of adding neons to a tiger barb tank. I added some large cardinals and neons to my tiger barbs and they seemed fine but then came down with white spot - obviously stressed. It wasn't that the tiger barbs attacked them - it was just the speed and activity of the barbs intimidated the tetras. I've moved them to a different tank and they're now fine.

Same applied to pygmy corys. They didn't get eaten or anything - they were just scared and stayed hidden all the time. They too are in another tank now - and happily swim all over the place. Larger cories could well be ok. I haven't tried them.

Tiger barbs are great though :good:
Neon tetras are live food for Tiger Barbs. I wouldnt try Ghost shrimp either, my Tiger Barbs still "patrol" the corners where Ghost shrimp try and hide when we introduce them. Now we just buy them as "treats", some may think that is cruel, but it's just the circle of life. :nod:

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