Tiger Barbs


Fish Fanatic
Oct 29, 2006
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hi Guys i just wanted some advice. currently in my tank i have 5 neon tetras, 3 peppered cory cats, and 3 julii cat's.

i wanted to put some tiger barb in there, but want to make sure they will be ok with the other fish. I know they can be a bit aggressive but have read if i keep them in shoals at least 6, their aggression should be less and they would be mroe likely to be ok with the other fish.

i have lot's of plants in there too.

Any advice much appreciated.


Check out thinkfish.co.uk or tropicalfishfinder.co.uk, they should give you enough info. We wanted tiger barbs but were told they were to aggresive, so we brought 6 five-banded barbs (Pentazona) and we've had no problem with them. They are very similar to tiger barbs but more peaceful!
Thanks for the advice! However i really like the tiger Barbs, i know they do look very similar but think the tiger barbs are more striking.

However i would settle for your suggestion, although i have not seen any in my local aquatics dealers.

Any more advice still appreciated,
Did you manage to check out either of the websites? I know it says if you have a shoal of at least six and plenty of planting it should be ok. If you do end up with 6 and they are still picking on the other fish add a couple more and they should settle down. I'm not an expert but going by my barbs behaviour. Hope this helps :)
How big is the tank? Provide that you have enough space for everyone, tiger barbs should be ok with tetras and cories.
How big is the tank? Provide that you have enough space for everyone, tiger barbs should be ok with tetras and cories.

Sorry to interupt this thread but I too am thinking of adding Corys to my tank. I have asked on the Catfish board but no response. Mine is a 24 US gallon with 6 Tiger Barbs 2 Blue Gourami and 1 Pleco of undetermened variety. Think 3 or 4 Corys would fit in? I was thinking of the pigmy Corys.
I had tiger barbs in my tank with neons and had 2 corys in there too. They never seemed to cause any bother to other fish. They singled out one of there own though and took him apart!! I was told by a reputable LFS that i should make sure i shoal them as a couple will bully other fish in the tank but they are more peaceful in a group.

Hope that helps!!!!

Thanks for your help everyone. My tank is around 20 Gallons i believe, think i will give the Tiger barbs a go, I wanted angel fish also but as they have long fins i think they would abused by the Tiger barbs as they are slow. At least the Neons are pretty quick and can swim away if they have to. The Cory Cat's will be at the bottom of the tank so i dont think i should have any problems with those.

Also my LFS are selling Baby tiger barbs, would i be better off starting with these or just normal size babs (not fully grown ones though)?

Cheers Guys.

It might be nice starting off with the babies, that way you can watch them grow!
Go for the Tiger Barbs they are great fun to watch when they start fighting to sort out the pecking order.

I would be careful with the corys I had eight Tiger barbs and they bit the top dorsal on my three Bronze corys till there was nothing left.The yended up in hinding all day. (This was I have to say unusal behaviour still never found out why)

Had to move them to another tank and it was remarkable how quick the fins grew back.

I started off with really small TBs and they grew quite quickley to a couple of inches but seem to have stopped now.
we've had tbs in with corys & cardinals for over 4 yrs & they have never bothered any of them (or any other tankmates) theyre too busy annoying eachother to pester any other fish, but they do like room esp a long 'footprint' to swim in.....ours are in a 4ft long tank.

as for size i love getting baby fish & watching them grow especially teeny tigers, they are so cute when little they move so fast & love it when they start to havve their first little 'jousts' for dominance ( where they spin around nose to nose flicking back & forth.......deciding whose to be king for the day!!!) :D :D :D

we have a little green tiger at the moment whos just starting to scrap with the much bigger tbs shes about 3/4 inch big & has started jousting with our mature 2 1/2 inch tbs.......hillarious to watch :D
Do your green tigers shoal with your Tiger Barbs together?
yes they all shoal together......im not sure if the greens actually know they are different, and same with the stripey ones. you'll find tbs will have times when they go off into their own little patch but most of the time they are all hanging together.
i love ours :D
Do they ever atatck your tetras or cory cats?
I will say that younger tiger barbs from what I have read are more aggressive than older tiger barbs.

Anytime you purchase tiger barbs you should be aware they could cause a real problem

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