Tiger Barbs


New Member
Sep 3, 2006
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i just got a new 29gallon tank and would love to know how many tiger barbs would be able to fit in there (and possibly a rtbs (but i realize that that might be too much).
i also was curious about the cycling. i've been through it with my 55 gallon 3 years ago. i was wondering if i could take part of the filter media (a sponge) that is in the 55g tank and put it into the 29gallon tank...would this make cycling speed up? could i add in all the tiger barbs at once? i would assume that since it is quite a big piece of media that it would pretty much have the good bacteria on it and not spike up my ammonia (or at least not drastically). but i'm not really sure, part of me thinks it makes sense because when i moved my 55 gallon to my new apartment i couldn't really save any water and only had the filter and things were fine.
using a bit of filter media that has 'seeded' with bacteria will make the process speed up but i would be careful as tiger barbs are not really hardy enough if you do have problems. they are very sensitive to nitrite and you could end up killing them all. surely it is better to make sure that the tank is fully cycled before adding any fish to it, the difference would only be a week or so.

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