Tiger Barbs


Fish Crazy
Aug 2, 2005
Reaction score
Fayetteville, NC
Hey, I was just wondering if anyone has had any experience in keeping Tiger Barbs with either Pictus Cats or Yo-Yo Loaches. I had 4 Pictus cats with 7 Tiger Barbs but unfortunately was only able to save one of them before the others got harassed to death. Both the cats and the barbs were all young, the barbs MAYBE an inch, and the cats about an inch and a half. Would bigger Pictus cats be able to deal with the Tigers or should I look into something else. My lfs has some Yo-Yo Loaches so I kind of have my eye on them.
Barbs and catfish dont mix, the long whiskers and soft fins of the catfish make them direct targets for nippy fish like barbs. Botia species like yo yo's should be much better equiped to live with loaches and have a similar temperment so would be the better choice.
we've had tiger barbs & yoyos together for over 3 years now - generally get along very well only occasionally the yoyos will chase the barbs for a few seconds before getting bored & swimming off. they especially like to swim up to a sleeping barb at lights out & do this..........ive never seen any real aggression or problems and have certainly never seen any of our barbs harrass one of the yoyos i think theyre very wary of them generally. :)
Thanks guys, I got 4 Yo-Yo Loaches and put them in there. I was gonna watch them for a little bit to see how the Tigers would react, but within like 3 minutes the Yo-Yo-s were chasing the Tigers around! lol Looks like they have some competition now.

Yo-Yo's are awesome, wish I would've looked into them first. My tank is extremely active now with the Tigers and the Loaches swimming around constantly, then the Severum following me around wondering when the hell I'm gonna feed him again!

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