Tiger Barbs


Fish Fanatic
Dec 29, 2005
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Falkirk Scotland.

My Tiger Barbs have strated attacking my Bronze corys Dorsal fins I did have eight TBs now only 6. What makes them such bad fin nippers after being so placid in my tank. Is it due to under feeding or possibly because the numbers of them have dropped?

We know they nip fins but why is this ?

What is the best option for the corys I love the Tbs and the corys ?

first how much & what do you feed your fish & how often?

secondly it sounds like bored barbs.........its not definate why theyve just started doing this but i would suspect maybe the 2 barbs you dont have anymore ( what happened to them???)were the ones that constantly chased or were being chased by the remaining 6 - now their 'sport' or the 'king' barb has gone theyre looking for other things to occupy themselves with.unfortunately this is picking on your corys.
you could try a couple more barbs if you have room as it sounds like with the larger number you didnt have any problems this may help esp as with 2 or more new barbs in the tank your originals and the newies will have to establish the new pecking order. our barbs have NEVER shown any interest in our corys (or any of our other fish for that matter).maybe we just have scaredy barbs or are lucky!!! theyre always too busy sorting out 'king' for the day/week amongst themselves!!! in fact its our stunted mini( 1 inch long) black molly girl who is the one who likes to chase our barbs! ( funny to see)

anyway a couple more barbs is definately worth a try.if it doesnt work you may need a 2nd tank ( always a good excuse ) or to rehome either your corys or barbs.
let us know how you get on
good luck :)
Hi Thanks for the reply, I only feed them once a day with a pinch of flake and about 8-10 small pellets Wednesday they get Veg peas,carrots ect and saturday its frozen bloodworm or Brime shrimp. I found my missing barb so there is still two left but as for the other its a definate goner I can,t find it anywhere my only option is that it was eaten but I find that hard surley there woulkd be some trace of it left my other option is when doing my wate r changed it jumped out landed down the back but it all seems to far fetched. Think I will try to add another two normal Tbs see if this helps.

Thanks again
your feeding sounds fine to me........im sure we some new barbs in the tank that hopefully will keep the b*** barbs busy & away from your poor corys.
we have one stripey tiger who today has been a right royal holy terror he has spent all day seeking out & chasing constantly ( & i mean constantly ) his barb mates ( green & stripey) i think its something to do with me having bought more plants yesterday have just plonked them in pots & all until i get time to plant properly. i think this has upset mr barb whos desperately racing around trying to re assert his dominance in his territory that has now changed in appearance.............anyway thats my theory. tigers can be s**ds but i love them too :D
there is a big difference in 6 barbs than 8 barbs in my opinion. When i had six they tormented the rest of the tank but with 8 almost never harm anything. They are also very curious little fish. Might try changing the aquascape of the tank to give them new things to explore and take their mind off the other fish. Or throw in a rainbow shark, they will only nip him once i will promise you that lol

also on another note, i have found albino barbs to not be fin nippers when kept with tiger barbs. might try adding a few albinos, as i have had much better luck with them in community as far as nipping goes and they will still school well with your green and tigers.

last thing i promise, in my barb keeping i have also found yo-yo loaches are also good at keeping the barbs in check and also school with the barbs alot.

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