Tiger Barbs


Fish Fanatic
Dec 30, 2005
Reaction score
Shrewsbury UK
I am just in the process of setting up a 180L tank which I would like to house Tiger Barb and a couple of Brislenose plec. I was told at the weekend by a LFS that I could happily put 30-40 Tiger Barb in a tank this size. Now I know I'm not an expert but I thought this sounded rather excessive. :hyper: or am I wrong?
How many gallons is that? I think that's way too many, just by the sounds of a 180 liter tank.
How many gallons is that? I think that's way too many, just by the sounds of a 180 liter tank.

Yeah it is 180 litre, I think its about 39 UK Gallons so probably just over 40-42 US gallons. I can't tell you for definite as I can't find the calculator I usually use. I thought it seemed pretty excessive when they said 30-40 but as I'm a complete novice at this I didn't know whether it was correct or not.

How many do you think would be about right if I had a couple of Bristlenose plec in there with them? They grow to a max of about 5inches as far as I can ascertain.

Yea, you could get 13 or so, and it'd still be ok even though the plecs go over the inch per gallon rule.
Tiger barbs don't get to 3" - 2-2.5" is more likely. I'd put a maximum of 15 in that tank with the pair of bristlenoses and nothing else.
3" is the number used by Fishbase and also by the size list in the local FAQ, here:

(I have to admit I was a surprised seeing 3", the largest I ever saw was not much larger than 2").

(Brings up the question of just how reliable fishbase is. Rechecking the only two carps I have around, it seems that entries for both are incorrect: Odessa Barb is identified with Ticto, and something is wrong with the entry for redtail rasbora as well.).
Hi everyone

Thanks for all your help on this. Flaming LFS telling me 30-40! Muppets. What would I do if I hadn't got TFF

Right 15 Tiger Barb it is with 2 Bristlenose. I'll post the piccies when it's fully inhabited


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