Tiger barbs with other fish?


New Member
Apr 2, 2004
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hi guys,
I am new to this, bought this 15g tank about a months ago, got 2 tiger barbs, 2 green barbs, 2 neons, 1 normal catfish, and one otos.

Lookin to get 2 light glow tetra, one more catfish this week, and thinking to get some guppies next week, just wondering will the tiger barbs get a long with guppies as they have fancy tails.

Thanks for your help. :rolleyes:

oooh those fancy flowing tails might just be tooooo hard for even the best behaved barbs to ignore!!! we dont have any flowing tails etc in our tank with our barbs & they are v well behaved never nipping anyone else but ive read lots of posts on forums where people have had serious problems with their barbs nipping fishies fancy tails so i dont think it would be a good idea.
were always admiring the guppies in lfs & have made ourselves resist temptation as we dont want any aggro in our peaceful tank. :)
so what is will be good fish to go into the tank, I was lookin at some sharks, but they get bit too big for a 15g tank. and is that means I cant put fighting fish in with the barb either?
Love those fighting fish too! :angry:
hknick said:
hi guys,
I am new to this, bought this 15g tank about a months ago, got 2 tiger barbs, 2 green barbs, 2 neons, 1 normal catfish, and one otos.

so what is will be good fish to go into the tank, I was lookin at some sharks, but they get bit too big for a 15g tank. and is that means I cant put fighting fish in with the barb either?
Well, you've put small numbers of 3 different schooling fish in your tank so far. I would suggest that you actually add the same kinds of fish that are already in there, so that they act normally and not like 1 or 2 fish lost from the school. IMO, 4 species of fish is more than enough and will look much better in a 15g than 6 different species.

Assuming you're not wanting to get rid of any species...

4 tiger/green barbs > add 2 more (tiger, green or albino)

2 neons > add 3 more minimum

1 oto > add 2 more minimum

And that may even overstock you. What kind of catfish is it?

Also, male bettas and guppies are probaby the biggest possible no-no's for a tank containing tiger barbs.

HTH! Good luck with your tank! :thumbs:

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