Tiger Barbs Scrapping With Each Other


Fish Fanatic
May 3, 2009
Reaction score
Margate - Kent
Hi. I have 6 tiger barbs in my 95g and they dont seem to be getting on with each other that well. They have only been in the tank 3 days but were all purchased together and added at the same time.

Is this normal?

Would adding more of them help them get on with each other better?
the more there is the less likely to fight
and they will just be sorting out domonancy so just leave them
Ok thanks. I will stick with 6 of them then unless you think I should have anymore.
Ok thanks. I will stick with 6 of them then unless you think I should have anymore.

Are your tiger barbs the only fish in there? If there's room, I'd say you should add more. :good: As kizno1 said, the more tiger barbs there are, the less chances of aggression. They develop a pecking order and if kept in too small groups, their fin-nipping tendencies emerge. Six is usually an alright number, but if it keeps up really badly and if you do have room, more is always better. ^_^
We started off with 6 to begin with and had a bad problem with them nipping at the other fish.
As soon as we got more, all of that changed and haven't had any problems since. They still do that little dance thing with eachother and chase, but it's nowhere near as aggressive as it was before.
If you have room, I would add maybe 3 or 4 more.
Or you can just stick it out with the 6 and see if their behaviour lightens up some once they've established the pecking order :)

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