tiger barbs in a 10 gallon tank?


New Member
May 8, 2004
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I'm a complete beginner and am planning to save up for a 29 gallon tank/set up - but for now I can really only afford a 10 gallon tank and supplies but I'm dying to have tiger barbs! Could I set up a sand, lightly planted 10 gallon tank with an extra strong filter and get 6-8 small (for now, I know they grow) tiger barbs? Has anyone ever done this? If I'm diligent about water changes and everything, could I overstock a tank if it is all tiger barbs? Eventually I want to have a 29 gallon community tank but even then I am not sure I want tiger barbs in a community tank. Well, that is another question I guess. What about tiger barbs in a 10 gallon tank?
I don't think a 10 is ig enough for tiger barbs, even a smaller number. They just need more room. I had mine (5 or them) in a 68litre for a while and they just did not have enough room. They are now in my 160litre

If the tiger barbs are important to you then I would say "wait" till you get your larger set up. You can put other fish in the ten that you plan to move in with your tigers when you have the larger tank. It can be fun to do the planning on your larger tank and know that getting your tigers is the reward. :D


Myself, I wouldn't keep tigers in a ten - no matter how small they were - they just need more swimming/growing space then that.
I had 6 tigers in a 10 gallon for about 2 months. That was the length of time it took till my firstr fatality. Dont know the cause but it was my smallest barb who was picked on the most. No Idea? I have sinced moved them to a 35 and bought 2 more and they love it. If you are definatly getting the 29 soon, I say go ahead. Just make sure you get them in the new tank before they grow to much. A lot of sparing in the pecking order will occur without anywhere to go. :flex:

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