Tiger Barbs Hiding


Jan 11, 2011
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Hi all,

I moved my tiger barbs from my big tank to the smaller tank. 6 initially, with a firemouth (2 inches, similar size to the barbs) from the big tank. The firemouth was fine but the tiger barbs were hiding a lot. So I moved the other 6 across earlier than planned (3 days later). They are still hiding 1 week on. So I moved the 6 corys I have and move the firemouth back to the big tank. They are still hiding. See my signature.

The reason I moved the firemouth with them was because the male was hassling what I think is my female firemouth (1.5 inches). Reason for moving the tiger barbs was because I was overstocked. I have had the tiger barbs for at least 4 months and they were very happy when in the old tank, to a point where they nip my arm when I clean the tank. Now they just hide and lost their colour.

The tiger barbs had no problem with the firemouths in the old tank. Their colour have not fully returned since their move. My water parameters are pristine. I have tried keeping the lights off for a few days. Have I not got enough vegetation in my small tank for them to feel secure? Should I add more plants still? Any other suggestions?

From the looks of your tanks, I'd say they're feeling vulnerable, going from a lushly planted tank to a fairly naked tank with nowhere to hide. You say your parameters are pristine, but do they match the old tank as far as pH and temp?
From the looks of your tanks, I'd say they're feeling vulnerable, going from a lushly planted tank to a fairly naked tank with nowhere to hide. You say your parameters are pristine, but do they match the old tank as far as pH and temp?

Sorry I meant to update the photo before posting. What do you think now?

Same tap, same water, same pH and same temp.

Um, I don't see a difference. Still the same thought, that they're feeling vulnerable.
You think I should just wait? There are still more hiding place than in the LFS. Also there are 12 of them, so in theory they would settle down after a period of time.... right?

I thought you moved them from the big planted tank, not directly from the LFS. Whatever. I would give them some more time. If they're not acting sick in any way they'll probably sort it out.

Anyone else out there? OldMan?

Edit: Just saw the new photos. It's still a lot more open that their last home. Are they eating all right?

My barbs tend to hang out in the middle to upper part of the tank, and you don't have any cover in the upper third of your tank the way you did in the old tank. Just a thought.

Nice looking tanks ...
I thought you moved them from the big planted tank, not directly from the LFS. Whatever. I would give them some more time. If they're not acting sick in any way they'll probably sort it out.

Anyone else out there? OldMan?

Edit: Just saw the new photos. It's still a lot more open that their last home. Are they eating all right?

Nice looking tanks ...

They came from my other tank. I'm just saying compare to a LFS tank, the new tank is "heavily planted"! Yet they show way less colour then LFS fishes.

They are eating. They coloured up a bit while I was away for 2 days. I think they are more afraid of me than the new tank because they hide when I approach and comes out while I'm not looking. Probably because they were settled in the old tank and me comes along with my fish net catching them one by one. I renewed their fear when I moved the firemouth out of their tank today. Oh well, I think they just need more time. Maybe a couple of weeks, as long as they are still feeding I supposed. It's jut that their colour suggests they are stress, yet there is nothing more I can do about it.

They eat, but they don't come up for food like they used to. Just need more time...

Well, I went to get some more plants for my 90L today. A big bunch of what I had in the big tank (the middle one). The transformation is amazing. The tiger barbs are swimming happily again, chasing each other and fighting for hierarchy already, literally within minutes. Unbelievable.

I'm so happy for them, and you!
I'm so happy for them, and you!


Spoke too soon! They are back to their hiding self again. Changed water today. Again they would only come out when lights are off. I also added 2 honey gouramis in the tank. Hopefully they would all get along...

Well, I managed to trade my tiger barbs in at a LFS. So happy for them and myself as they didn't like me or my tank, and I can get something else instead. They got their colour back in the fish bag and in the LFS tank.

Got 5 odessa barbs and 5 golden barbs. They are enjoying their new environment already, darting from one end to another. Happy all round.


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