Tiger Barbs...help Please


Fish Fanatic
Jul 21, 2006
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i have a established 90liter tank

all going great

3 very small panda corys
2 platys
1 mini plec
1 molly

i added 6 tiger barbs on saturday and had been fine UNTILL ive just noticed ALL the pandas have nip marks on there top fins!!!!!!

i was asured by the guy in the shop that a group of tigers would leave the other fish alone and hold a pecking order between themselves

my question is this....

.....will the tigers settle in and leave the pandas alone or am i buggered!!!!

thankyou in advance*

*see latest reply for happy ending :)
A 90litre tank is too small for tiger barbs in my opinion, they really need something more like 30gals due to their high activity levels and nippy nature.
You could add more to the tank to try and disperse the agression more between them, but i wouldn't really advise this as there tank simply doesn't have enough space for these highly active fish IMO- they are best taken back to the shop :nod: .
the tiger barbs soon settled down ..and all living happy together now..panda corys are looking mint and no fish in the tank have ANY signs of nipping

these are great fish with lots of charactor 8)

thankyou anyway

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