Tiger barbs full of eggs or sick?


Fish Gatherer
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
Melbourne, Florida
Okay so I got a 55 gallon for 50.00$ at a garage sale today at some church and it came with about 10 tiger barbs and 6 black skirt tetras. The water wasn't that good and it looks like he hasn't gravel vac'ed it in ages! There was also algae everywhere.

Anyways, I brought it home and cleaned it up real good and then put the fish back in and everyone was fine. He kept the tiger barbs in a brackish set-up he said he added salt everyday to the tank (he also had clown loaches in there which I put the 2 of them in my 100% freshwater 120 gallon) so when I filled the tank back up with water I added a little aquarium salt as I didn't know if just adding the fish into freshwater after they have been in brackish would affect them in a negative way.

I was looking at the tiger barbs and about half of them are REALLY fat. I looked for pineconing scales but no sign of them or anything else wrong with them. They swim fine and are very active and look healthy IMO.

I've never had tiger barbs or even barbs at all so I am not that knowledgable with them. Here are some pics below. Sorry some are so blurry they are not very used to people as the guy who had them had them for 2 years and kept them away in the front of the house while they lived in the very back of the house. He would visit it like once a week so they are very skittish. I was wondering if they were full of eggs or sick so I can start treating them or whatever is necessary.




my tigers are the same i think they ok been like it for about 4 months but it does seem to be the females that are swollen their have never been any eggs that i have seen
Yea none of my males are fat like that either. I read that males will be thinner than the females and more colorful...so maybe they are just bigger than the males and chubbier? :dunno:

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