Tiger Barbs Are Fighting ALOT


New Member
Nov 10, 2003
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Southern California
I got like 7 tiger barbs in my 100 gallon tank and 2 of them fight like all the time there the gold and black ones but they fight till they look all blue. then one will eventualy swim all the way over to the other side of the tank. All of my tiger barbs look the same. Like all there fins and stuff. Mabie i got all the same sex of something.

Could be a sex problem or that they just like roughing -_-

I would say that you should feed them less and see what happens (dont feed too little)
Are you feeding them meat??
Meat make fish aggressive :grr: (so I've heard)
:D Tiger barbs, Yes i know the blighters.
If ther fighting between them selfs leave then alone.
I had this and no harm came to any of them, They like to fight and be assertive.
But i got rid of mine due to upsetting the harmony of the tank.

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