Tiger Barbs Are Confusing!


New Member
May 29, 2009
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Hi everyone, I've recently got some tiger barbs (5 regular, 4 green) and are in a 33gal tank with no other fish. I've been feeding them flake food which they eat very quickly!! On the second day I noticed slot of them were "headstanding" which I know can mean a thousand things with barbs. But I'm worried they may have swim bladder from taking in air when they're eating? One of them was so vertical they did a fwd roll. When I open the tank lid though they start swimming about normally thinking they're getting fed.

I know that some of the males are "displaying" as they were quite big when I bought them so are definitely sexually mature. It's just the others that I'm worried about.

Also i have a definately alpha male and none of the others have even attempted to challenge him but he still chases any of them that come near him. I've loads of hiding places so they can always get away but i'm not sure If he's stressing the other fish.

If anyone has any hints or tips or general advice on tiger barbs it will be greatly appreciated. I've read so much about these guys but still don't know if I'm doing things right

ps. I do regular checks on the tank and all water paramaters are fine
When I had Tiger Barbs, the always slept facing the ground. My alpha male ended up killing all the others with the nipping that comes with them.. So watch their tails and make sure they don't get sucked into the filter when they can't swim away from it =/
When they headstand they are having a sleep, and it's natural for tiger barbs to chase each other. They won't kill each other in a tank that size. They're fine.
Thanks guys, ive worked out that out of the 5 regular barbs ive got 4 males and one female, all four will crowd round her and "display" to her. quite funny to watch really. my original intention was to start with 9 and add a few ruby barbs, but i think 9 is enough in a 33 gal, i dont want to overstock it!

Been checking the fins daily as i know they are nippy little things and so far its all good.

Thanks Again
Just wanted to chime in.
I regularly turn the lights on in the room that our big tank is in that houses our barbs, and most of them will have their noses pointed straight down to the gravel.
I'd be worried about any other fish doing this lol, but it's normal for a barb when they're sleeping :)

And I agree, I def would not add any more barbs to that tank.

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