Tiger Barbs & Angels


Fish Fanatic
Oct 29, 2006
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Hi guys, has anyone eevr successfully kept angels and tiger barbs together? i have two angels but want to get some tiger barbs but i know they can be fin nippers. I also know that keeping at least 6 will reduce their aggression as they will be more bothered about each other.

Any input appreciated.
i have not been abel to keep tiger barbs with angels at all...the angels would constantly get nipped...
i made the attempt in a thrity gallon tank ..what size tank do u have?
i have not been abel to keep tiger barbs with angels at all...the angels would constantly get nipped...
i made the attempt in a thrity gallon tank ..what size tank do u have?

it is 65 litres. i think i will try it as i can always take them back to the store if they dnt get on
i have not been abel to keep tiger barbs with angels at all...the angels would constantly get nipped...
i made the attempt in a thrity gallon tank ..what size tank do u have?

it is 65 litres. i think i will try it as i can always take them back to the store if they dnt get on

65 ltrs is only 17 gallons anyway- that is too small for either tiger barbs or angels. Tiger barbs are highly active robust fish who need to be in decent groups (at least 6-8) with plenty of room to dash around and do their mock fights- a 17 gallons won't cut it. And angels grow too tall for this tank. And by the time you spot that they are not getting on, the angels may be too badly damaged to survive if dumped in the store.
I think the attempt is doomed to failure, and concur with the points above, that tank is not suited to either species.
i currently have 3 angels 3 tigger bearbs 2 rosy barbs and 2 black cherry barbs in on 125l tank and have had tiggers and angels together for over a year all are happy and healthy the angels are bigger than the barbs so arent bothered by them but i concur with the pervious comments in a small tank there will be difficulties

Lewis -_-

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