Tiger Barbs And Neons

San O Fisher

Fish Crazy
Jan 2, 2008
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I am in the process of changing over my discus tank to more of a community tank. I grabbed three bala sharks out of my friends 10 gallon into my 55 and I want some easier fish to take care of. Currently the tank has 3 balas, 10 tetra's, 1 syno, 3 cory's, and 2 discus. I was only going to house the bala's for a short time, but it seems they will be permanent fixtures now. Would a small group 5-6 barbs be okay with the small tetra's? I know they are fin nippers, but there is plenty of space for everything to hide amongst the live plants. anyt thoughts? I am going for relatively easy tank to keep becuase I travel a lot and dont want my fiance to have the burden of tanking care of discus any more.

Tiger barbs get on fine with tetras (unless they are long fin like some black widow, black phantom etc.). 100g is the recommended minimum for bala sharks as they can exceed 1ft.

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