Tiger Barbs And Neon Tetras

I wouldn't try.. :\
Tiger barbs will probably be too aggressive for you neons. They are fins nippers and neon are small fish. They could be badly injured.

You should consider other barbs like Gold barb. It's a peaceful barb.

There's a lot of fish compatible with neons :)
It depends. How big is the tank and how many of each group do you have? Also how big are the neon tetras?

If you have a large enough group of Tiger Barbs they tend to be ok. I have kept them with Cardinal Tetras and Rummy nose tetras before with no problems.

However you need:
A large enough tank for both groups to have plenty of space between them.
Lots of planted cover for the tetras.
A large enough group of Barbs to keep them busy amongst themselves.
Large enough neons for them not to look like dinner (if you put baby neons in with full grown barbs they will be eaten, full sized neons with tiger barbs though should be ok).

This is also only based on my own experience too so do take other peoples advice and comments into consideration as well because what works for one will not always work for another.
I keep both together and they've never so much as looked at each other! lol. I do have lots of plants and hiding places though so maybe it's just because they manage to keep out of each others way!? But in my experience they havn't been a problem together.

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