Tiger Barbs And Cory's...


Fish Crazy
Apr 7, 2008
Reaction score
USA, Colorado, Denver
Are cory cats compatible with tiger barbs? I have 12 barbs and 3 melanisitus catfish in my 55 gallon tank. I have been having a percieved problem making sure my catfish gets their share because of the more aggressive tiger barbs eating everything. But, I dont think I have a real problem because when I clean the gravel, I can actually see flake food floating around and I'm sur eif the catfish were hungry, they would have eaten it.
Someone at Petsmart today told me that the tiger barbs are semi-aggressive and the catfish are more docile, and that's why I'm having the problem getting food to them.
I wanted to know what others though about this.

I have cory's in with my tiger barbs, and they get on just fine, you have a large enough group of barbs for them not to bother the cory's.

If your concerned about the tigers getting all the food, try putting some catfish wafers in after lights out, the cory's will soon find it. If I were you, I would add at least 3 more cory's to the group (when your cycle is finished!) as they like to be in groups of 6 or more.
Thanks for your help. I should have mentioned that the tiger barbs dont bother the cory;s at all. Initially when I added them, they did do a little fin-nipping, but both get along very well.

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