Tiger Barbs Always On The Bottom


New Member
Oct 30, 2009
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Hi I have a bit of an issue with my tiger barbs, I've got 10 green tiger barbs and 15 tiger barbs and they seem to spend most of the time on the bottom..
strangely when I turn on one fixture they swim in the middle and top but with both fixtures on they collectively just sit in a cave most of the time
I've had them for few months now, the tank is cycled

specs: 55g heavily planted, eheim 2215, 2222
lights: 2 fixtures - 2x2x54 t5ho (2 pink, 2 10k), heavily planted, dyi co2
water change - %30 weekly
fish: 10 green tiger barbs, 15 tiger barbs, 4 julii cories, 2 baby bristlenoses

could the light be too bright? any ideas?
i agree with mr 130 certainly sounds like they dont like the bright light and sitting down the bottom is very unusual for TB's, ours will hang out in caves now & again but mostly theyre out & about swimming mainly mid level, have you got plants & shelter in your tank? might help shade things a bit if you dont want to run with only one light fixture on
hmm .. well It's heavily planted, but no plants on top .. just low to medium height plants (dwarf hygro,e tenellus, l arcuata)

I guess I could try putting some mss on top ... won't really look nice though ..
I think the lights are too bright my Tiger Barbs had the same behaviour when it was in the 10 gallon with very bright lights, and only get active when I turn off the lights. They're now in the 50g and always active.

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