Tiger Barb!


New Member
Jan 30, 2005
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We have a week old community tank, with one Small Tiger Barb, two Sword Tails, two Tuxedo Mollies, and a Red Tail Shark. Our Tiger Barb seems fine in the mornings, but by evening is doing barrel rolls, listing to one side, and acting very odd. The other fish don't appear to be nipping at him, but they may be when we're not looking.

Is this semi-normal behavior for Tiger Barbs, or do we have a serious problem?

Thank you for any help.
Most people will tell you that Tiger Barbs need the company of other Tiger Barbs. (min of 6 or so)

Give the guy some buddies and he'll be fine. :)
yep they need to be in at least a group of 6.
this is due to the fact they are quite aggressive and having a lot of other barbs, they will keep their aggresion to themselfs.

I have 14 TB's and they are great to watch in a school.

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