Tiger Barb Trouble......... Help Please


New Member
Feb 8, 2004
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I have 8 tiger barbs and one cat in my 55 gal. tank........ they have been happy and well for months now, but 2 days ago one of my tiger barbs literally vanished........ cannot find it anywhere............ my hubby cleaned the tank, changed out the water.......... yadda yadda.... NO FISH, he's gone. Could the others have ........ eaten......... him?? NOW today, another of my barbs is so fat and "hiding", also his eyes are bulging out.......... he's eating though. I've tested the water, as I always do, and it's pretty near perfect....... no new fish, I need some help........ what in the world is going on??? Is the fish "preg?".......... or what??? I've read about popeye, and dropsy....... but, the scales look almost flaky too......... I don't know........ Help!!! Thanks

OH, should I remove him from the tank as to protect the others???
sounds like you need to visit this page
it lists the main types of fish disease and offers a basic set of standard curesi would advise getting it into a hospital tank ither of your own or at your local pet shop. phone them first tho dont just show up with a sick fish.

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