Tiger barb tankmates


Oct 29, 2004
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I am setting up a tank which will have a large school of tiger barbs, but I would like to include some bottom feeders and also an algae eater. I thought about one SAE and 4 botia histrionica - would they be ok with the barbs?

The tank is 55 gall (UK) with bogwood, rocks and live plants.
Fiori said:
I thought about one SAE and 4 botia histrionica - would they be ok with the barbs?
yes, depending on size of school of TB's,
more than 6 no more than 16 in that tank.
Thanks Wolf - I was thinking about having about 12 and that would leave room to spare as it were :)
I have 6 green tiger barbs in a 55g with several loaches -- clown loaches and dwarf loaches actually -- and a few bronchi splendens. They get along so well that sometimes one of the smaller clown loaches schools with the barbs... No problems whatsoever.
You can put more TBs in there than that....I had 13 in with my mbuna tank as dither fish and everyone was nice and happy. They were beautiful schoolers and I wish I could have kept more in there, but there were 16 other fish in the tank, mostly mbunas. I did change the water twice a week (30%) and watched parameters closely....but still....you can put more than twelve in there if that's all you're keeping in there besides a few catfish. You tank is even bigger than my 55 gallon since yours is in UK gallons, no?

Yes - my tank is 55 UK gallons. The reason I said 12 was that I am dithering myself - whether to get some other barbs e.g. odessa, black ruby or schuberti barbs as well as some tigers, but need to do some investigating to see if they are all compatible - unless some kind person here knows the answer :whistle: I may also get an additional external fliter to help out. Still the tank has a black background and substrate, with live plants, so tigers would look pretty good in that.

Sigh!! There are soooooo many nice fish - no wonder we get MTS!! :rolleyes:
One book I have, "Aquarium Style", suggests a red-finned shark as a tank mate to barbs. I've also seen clown loaches suggested as tank mates.
I know exactly what you mean Fiori about the MTS thing. I just want them ALL! hehe

I would think most barbs are compatible with each other accept the tinfoil barbs may get a little too large for your tank. Even just three of them.

Black background and substrate with barbs...man that sounds NICE. Good luck with it all.

And yes....clown loaches get along so well with tiger barbs sometimes they will get confused and school with each other.....lol

I had four of them in with my tiger barbs and mbunas.

I did hear that about clown loaches, schooling with TB's. I thought my tank would be too small in the long term for them though - and I am determined that I will not be getting any more tanks!! :blink: Huh - famous last words! :whistle: Mind you if I get any bigger tanks they will probably end up in the flat downstairs - I don't know if my floorboards can take much more. :S
I have a 75 gallon with 12 tiger barbs and 2 cory cats. I am considering adding something else to the tank (clown loaches). Will the Loaches get along with the Cory Cats also? If so, how many of them might be a good idea?
There are quite a few different types of loaches that will hold their own with tiger barbs :p

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