Tiger Barb Tank


New Member
Jul 22, 2011
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Right now, I have 5 tiger barbs and I'm interested in making a barb tank for a 30 gallon tank. Besides Green tiger barbs and regular tiger barbs, are there any other barbs that are compatible? Are plecos compatible? Any good bottom dwelling tankmates? Thanks.
I think your Barbs would be happier in a group of at least 8. They should be compatible with any similarly sized Barb. Mine get along with my Rosy Barbs very well. As far as bottom dwellers, I've read they are compatible with Loaches, Plecs and Corys. You would not want a Common Plec as they can grow to 24 inches!
I wouldn't put corydoras in a tiger barb tank; I've tried it and had to remove the cories after a few days because they stopped coming out, except to feed. The tigers are just too boisterous.

Loaches seem to be ok; I've got zebra loach with mine, and plecs are alright too.

Don't forget the albinos; a shoal of all three types could look very good.
I've got 7 Tiger and 5 Green Tiger in with 6 Sterbai and 5 Bronze cory and they are all fine, all getting along well.
I would highly highly HIGHLY recommend getting some Black Ruby Barbs. They are absolutely gorgeous and should school w/ what you have just fine. Also if you can find some, the platinum color variation of tiger barbs are also very pretty. Most photos you'll see of that color if you google it don't do it justice.

As for tank mates... in a 30gal.. maybe cories. I haven't had any problems with my tigers messing with cories, but then again, they're in a much larger tank.

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