tiger barb tank size


Fish Fanatic
May 17, 2004
Reaction score
California, USA
I want to get some tiger barbs but dont know what size of a tank they should be in. So can you guys help me out by telling me what the minimum tank size should be, or maybe what you keep yours in? Any opinion is welcome. Thanks in advance.
We'll....If you want tiger barbs in groups (6 or more) prob a 29 gal would do nice...They need a fair bit of swimming room...and if you plan on having other fish than the more room the better....My 7 never show any agression...even towards my keyholes who are smaller and slower ...If your going to get Tigers i'd say get atleast 6 and have a 29 gal.....just my opinion... :p
I have 9 in a 10, but it's a species tank. If you want them in with other fish, amke sure you get a large school so that the tigers only pick on themselves. If you want just tiger barbs, a 10gal is fine for a school. :)
Hi, :)

I had six in a 20 gallon with a bottom feeder. I didn't have any problems.
I would say a 10 is too small for Tiger Barbs, they like a lot of swimming space, and a 10 to me, seems a little too cramped.


9 Tigers in a 10 is quite overstocked. They can easily grow to over 2"/50mm.
I realize that. I do water changes twice a week to keep my params normal. When I set up this tank I asked for stocking suggestions as far as barbs as this was the answer I got and it has worked fine. I also have no problem moving them to a larger tank if the time comes.
Sorry if I sound rude, but I stocked it this way because I had a page and a half of replies telling me to do so. I believe it was my first question when I joined the forum. "I want a barb species tank" or something like that. This is my first time keeping barbs and i figured the replies that I recieved on this forum were valid. :dunno:
the longer the better - they like swimming space. dont get a tall hex type tank it just doesnt suit them. ours (6) are in a 4ft community & they do a little 'tank patrol' every morning where they swim up & down in a pack checking everything & one out. the longet tank the better. we'd love to get an even bigger tank to put them all in but sigh :( no room.
>>> Sorry if I sound rude

Not at all! I also figured you probably knew, but mentioned it because it was very relevent to the thread as a whole.
I had 6 in a 35 Hex and that worked out great. I was able to keep other fish in there with them too!
>>> had 6 in a 35 Hex

It is not a case of "keeping them alive" it is a case of keeping them happy. You can always keep a fish alive in less then optimal conditions. One should always strive to provide the best conditions, and with fast swimming open water fish like B. tetrazona, long tanks are better.

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