Tiger Barb Size


Fish Fanatic
Oct 25, 2004
Reaction score
Mt. Pleasant, Michigan, USA
This weekend I am hopefully going to be purchasing 6-8 various color tiger barbs for my 46 gal. tank. Question is what size should I get, the lfs has ones that are about 3/4" long and ones that are 1 1/4" - 1 1/2" long. I am leaning toward the smaller ones as i know they will grow. The only other fish in the tank now are 6 small zebra danios.


I'd try to keep the size's close to the same...But i've introduced 1.5" tigers into my group of full grown ones and never had any real problems...It'll probably take a day or two for them to settle down and set a nipping order...If you see them spinning around lip locked dont worry because it's just natural.
jmelnek said:
I am leaning toward the smaller ones as i know they will grow. The only other fish in the tank now are 6 small zebra danios.


Personally I'd go for the smaller ones. As you say they will
grow and you will get more satisfaction from remembering
how small they were.

Be aware that ZD's and TB's may not be the best mix,
some have said it works and others have said it don't.
Both species can be very aggressive so this can lead to conflicts.

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