Tiger Barb Size


Fish Crazy
Feb 20, 2011
Reaction score
Wisconsin, USA
I've got a batch of 9 regular tiger barbs that are quite big already. I'm not good at sizing... but id say like 50 cent piece-ish... a decent size anyway. I want to add another 9 green tiger barbs. I stopped at my not so local LFS, but they were clean out! (two hours wasted!) I had them put my # down so when they got some in theyd call. By the looks of their regular tiger and albino barb stock (which was pretty hefty btw... they had PLENTY of those! :rolleyes: ) they were quite small. like nickel-quarter size. significantly smaller than what i have in my tank.

My question is... should i expect problems once i put the juvies in? since theyre obviously smaller and lower on the totem pole, are they going to be harassed to death or will they get along just fine?
I've got a batch of 9 regular tiger barbs that are quite big already. I'm not good at sizing... but id say like 50 cent piece-ish... a decent size anyway. I want to add another 9 green tiger barbs. I stopped at my not so local LFS, but they were clean out! (two hours wasted!) I had them put my # down so when they got some in theyd call. By the looks of their regular tiger and albino barb stock (which was pretty hefty btw... they had PLENTY of those! :rolleyes: ) they were quite small. like nickel-quarter size. significantly smaller than what i have in my tank.

My question is... should i expect problems once i put the juvies in? since theyre obviously smaller and lower on the totem pole, are they going to be harassed to death or will they get along just fine?

More the better with barbs and as long as you can include lots of visual barriers (decor/plants) you should be just fine IMO
I have not experienced any problems as long as their numbers are 8 minimum. My 4 Tigers and 4 Greens together act as a school of 8. As a matter of fact one of my smallest Tigers is the boss! A Tiger twice his size takes orders from him. You will essentially have a school of 18 which will be awesome! I love my Barbs! :good:
I recently increased my shoal of tigers after a move from a three foot to a four foot tank; the new fish were (still are!) very tiny compared to my adults, but there have been no problems; I've found that they tend to split into two shoals, one of each size; I have actually had people ask me if they;re the same species!

As long as your groups are big enough you won't have problems.
sounds great! thanks all :)

You'll be fine with different sizes tiger barbs. Even if you get same size ones, they will still fight amongst themselves for the first few days to establish a pecking order. My only worry would be your guppies but then if they are ok with your 9, then in theory they should be ok when 9 becomes 18...

I had an established group of 5 tigers, then I got another 9 which were tiny in comparison! They all got along just fine.
Have yours stayed in different shoals for the different sizes, TOS? Mine are still! I've got 9 old ones and a dozen young ones (I lost one of my oldest ones today; she was 8 :-( ) and they only really get together at feeding times; it's quite odd!
Have yours stayed in different shoals for the different sizes, TOS? Mine are still! I've got 9 old ones and a dozen young ones (I lost one of my oldest ones today; she was 8 :-( ) and they only really get together at feeding times; it's quite odd!

RIP to your old lady! That's pretty amazing. They did kind of stick with their own size, but sometimes everybody would fly around the tank all at once. It was an amazing thing to see. I just might have to get some more.
Have yours stayed in different shoals for the different sizes, TOS? Mine are still! I've got 9 old ones and a dozen young ones (I lost one of my oldest ones today; she was 8 :-( ) and they only really get together at feeding times; it's quite odd!

8yrs or months... jk, RIP to ur fish. I only wish i could have something make it that long! I'm close with my pleco who is about 5... but thats kind of like cheating, isnt it?

btw flutter... both guppies in my QT died. the one that prolly had dropsy, found it dead saturday night. The other one thats been in there for a week was looking the same exact way. turned overnight (checked him saturday night when i changed water and then right away sunday morning at feeding time) he used to be half light light purple and half dark purple with and orange tail... well his back half was almost black. died later this morning.
I'm sure you'll get fish live longer lives as you stay in the hobby!

I think my oldest is a clown plec who will be 14 this year; I got him when my son was one, so it's nice and easy to remember, but I also have three rescued catfish that I've had for 12 years, so they could be even older!

I'm sorry you lost the guppies too :-( i know a lot of people who can't keep them (or neons) any more, so try not to blame yourself too much; they have been very poorly bred in recent years.
still feel aweful. At least this time around i can say i made a good attempt at saving them this time around. just wasnt meant to be...
Have yours stayed in different shoals for the different sizes, TOS? Mine are still! I've got 9 old ones and a dozen young ones (I lost one of my oldest ones today; she was 8 :-( ) and they only really get together at feeding times; it's quite odd!


still feel aweful. At least this time around i can say i made a good attempt at saving them this time around. just wasnt meant to be...

Well i got a few green barbs last night... they are roughly ONE THIRD the size of the other guys. if theyre lucky! theyre so cute :) I dropped them in late last night, and have been watching them for roughly half hour since the lights turned on. so far I have three groups of two. One has been swimming with the crowd all morning. another has seemed quite shy, coming out towards the middle, but then making their way back to the plants. the last group has been going at it all morning! I have seen no aggression from the big guys towards the little ones, so that makes me feel good about it! Ill get a picture up when everyone settles. hopefully i can get one of them all together!


heres the pic
wondering what brings about color changes... One of my tiger barbs seems to be getting a little darker. the golden parts seems dark, and black stripes look almost like a green barb but only from a certain angle. Is this normal?

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