Tiger Barb Question


New Member
Dec 29, 2005
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I have a tiger barb that appears to have become pregnant, i have read the section on breeding, however this fish has become pregnant in the community tank, what steps should i take with this and a breeding tank? Would it be good to isolate the fish or take a pair like it says to for breeding?
Tigerbarbs are egg layers, they don't become pregnant. There are a few posibilities, one is she is full of eggs, she has simply pigged out and is constipated, or she is bloated from another problem, such as a bacterial infection. One thing you do need to check is that the scales aren't sticking out like a pinecone.

I would first try to feed peas after fasting for a day or two, as they have alot of fiber in them and can help to move things along. If that doesn't help, it may be a bacterial infection or something else like a tumor.
I would first try to feed peas after fasting for a day or two, as they have alot of fiber in them and can help to move things along.

Peas = poop! Odd dosen't work for me ;)

No really, great info, but how do you feed peas?!?! Do they need to be at the bottom or is it ok to let them float around the tank?
When i feed peas, i boil some water, then toss in how many peas i need to cook. I usually figure 1/2 a pea per tiger barb, 1 or 2 for larger fish, 1/4 for smaller fish. After a few minutes, i pop them out of the shells, then cut them into 1/4 to 1/8 depending on the size of the pea and the size of the fish. Then i just toss them in my tank, usually they will sink to the bottom, and the fish chow down.
sorry if this cuts your convo short and if it does just ignore me

is it normal for 1 of my albino tiger barbs is very shy is it a female? and my other male?!?(how to sex and albino tiger barb)
how to sex an albino tiger barb

sexing albino/green TBs is the same a for "normal" TBS
males will have a predomanently red nose and a red front edge to the dorsal fin.
well ive both of mine have a red band at the top but one is darkr then the other and on the two front fins (sorry bout the laymans) 1 has red the other orange?

i think it might not be shyness as such but fixation on the filter pouring the water back in the tank 'she' (i think) is always playing with the bubble stream, where as the second isnt as bothered...

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