tiger barb, mates, please help


Fish Fanatic
Aug 23, 2004
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i got 46gallon tank. So far i have 4 tiger barbs in the tank. I was looking to expand, What else can i put in a 46gallon Bowhead tank????????
Also i wanted a catfish or a algee eater, worker at the fish store said they had nothing that could live with the Tiger brabs, Is there and algee eaters or catfish that would?
defintitely get some more tiger barbs before you get anything else, as they can be aggressive towards other fish when not kept in big enough groups.
LoveMyOscar said:
The following fish are good tank mates for Tiger Barbs: all Gouramis, all Danios, one Red Tail Shark, a school of Clown Loaches, a few Yoyo Loaches, and one Plecostomus Catfish or a Bushy Nose Plecostomus.

I would also get a couple of more tiger barbs because they like to be in groups of 6 or more.

Stay away from angel fish as the barbs will nip their fins. Well actually any fish that has long showy fins will be picked on. (guppies, bettas, and such)

I hope that helps! :)

EDIT! I forgot to tell you tiger barbs really like planted tanks! Thow some nice fake or real plants in there with them. Not only will it look great your barbs will love it!!! :nod:
Red Tail shark. Would 2 be 2 many, Also i know this is pushing the size of the tank put bala sharks, instead of red tails, i used to have them in my old tank years ago, I really like them, Any changes of getting one or two.
2 would be too many not so much because of the size but cos they get territorial with each other ( = angst + misery for fishkeeper)

I think it's too small for bala sharks too :( on accoutn of them getting to 14"
I have 3xTiger Barbs in a 20G(UK) and have not experienced any problems with them attacking/harassing any of my other fishes, and, as LoveMyOscar said, they do prefer to live in planted tanks. Mine live in-between the plants and shelter underneath the plants' leaves.

Since you have the space you could easily accommodate more than the four you currently have. However, I think if you have additional TB'S, you may see more initial aggression, as they'll need to re-establish they're dominance/rankings.

I think the best fish mates for your Tiger Barbs would be any type of Corydoras (though mine are Peppered Corydoras), or loaches (mine are Yo-Yo's), or Kribensis. :)
LoveMyOscar said:
The following fish are good tank mates for Tiger Barbs: all Gouramis, all Danios, one Red Tail Shark, a school of Clown Loaches, a few Yoyo Loaches, and one Plecostomus Catfish or a Bushy Nose Plecostomus.

I would also get a couple of more tiger barbs because they like to be in groups of 6 or more.

Stay away from angel fish as the barbs will nip their fins. Well actually any fish that has long showy fins will be picked on. (guppies, bettas, and such)

I hope that helps! :)

EDIT! I forgot to tell you tiger barbs really like planted tanks! Thow some nice fake or real plants in there with them. Not only will it look great your barbs will love it!!! :nod:
everyone says to have atlesat 6 tiger brabs in a tank. I have a question might sound stupid but i need help, I have 4 tiger brabs at the moment, I need 2 more, instead of tiger brabs can i buy a different breed of brabs ie. cherry brabs or anyother barb to make up my 6 barbs
To put it simply: no.

Many barbs have very different habits and temperaments, you needs tiger barbs to keep them occupied with their own kind so they don't turn to pick on other species.
clutterydrawer said:
To put it simply: no.

Many barbs have very different habits and temperaments, you needs tiger barbs to keep them occupied with their own kind so they don't turn to pick on other species.
ok thanks. I will go pick up 2 more tiger barbs. I was also thinking could i put in neon tetras if so how many or will the barbs not get along with them
I even kept Convict cichlids with my tiger barbs and bolivian rams. There was also a gold gourami and some clown loaches. The convicts weren't a breeding pair and were mild mannered so I didn't have any compatibility problems.
so neons wont go with barbs????
Also rams should be kept in a pair or quad, right. So 2 would be ok
I am also looking for anyother fish i could put in. IE something with colour, tank is really duell. I need some colour in it
went out a bought a Gouramis today Looks redish white not sure which kind it is. While i was at the LFS i was going to buy a school of clown loachs, as suggested in a proir post. They told me that the tiger babrs and loachs would not get along :huh: I had been doing research, correct me if i am wrong, and all the websites say they would get along.
So if they do get along, how many would a school be considered 3-5??
Also how many more Gourmais should i add, I heard they like schools of 2-3?? ANd if so, is it possiable to mike different Gourmais or no?
Thanks for all your help

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